Used in the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation by high frequency wave method (Nucleoplasty).

Main Features of YESDISC

Navigating Nucleoplasty

YESDISC catheter can be easily navigated by the operator through a patented wheel direction control. It is possible to rotate the tip 360 degrees within a 5cm range. In this way a precise lesion area can be easily targeted without affecting adjacent parts. Therefore the patient satisfaction has been increased a lot.


You can easily control the catheter tip by forward and backward, as well as straight and bending movements, Thus feature is realized only by YESDISC catheter reducing the surgery time and increased efficiency.


YESDISC can be operated by monopolar or bipolar electro coagulation. YESDISC ablation produces plasma and this has a minimal damage on the body tissues. This is definitely a great advantage. Moreover YESDISC acquired certificate of completion for optical plasma diagnotics from Hanyang University.